How to Start a Blogging Business and Make Money Online in 2023. (Your Completely Free Guide)

Friends, Blogging is known to be one of the simplest ways to Make Money Online.

You can learn – how to start a blog, write about things you are knowledgeable about, and then utilize various avenues to earn money.

Nowadays, blogging seems like a very familiar word to everyone, but the reality is that very few people actually know the meaning of blogging and how to make money from blogging.

What is Blogging?

Whenever we start writing on any topic, then it is known as blogging.

By writing, you are able to share your existing knowledge and expertise with other people.

Have you ever wondered, whenever you put in any search query inside a search engine like Google, then how does that search engine give you the required answers?

Actually, the search engine helps in providing answers to your query by directing you to various blogs and websites so that you can visit them and can hopefully get answers to your questions.

Some Commonly Asked Questions related to Blogging.

Now, you must be thinking about the following questions:-

– How can you start blogging as a business/How to start blogging to earn money online?

– What is the investment required? 

– How much profit can you make?

– How much work needs to be done?

– What are the future prospects?

– and how you can have a sustainable long-term business from blogging?

how to make money from blogging / how you can make money from blogging?

In this article, we will be discussing the answers to all of these questions. So, let us proceed ahead and learn How to Start a Blogging Website and Make Money.

What are the Various Advantages of Blogging?

Generally, the main objective of any business is to earn money, But in case, you plan to start blogging as a profession, then, in addition to earning money, you can have a host of other advantages also, as follows:-

1. Blogging gives you a Good Platform.

Blogging gives you a good platform to share your knowledge and experiences with the world.

Knowledge increases by sharing. So, blogging is a very good medium to present and share your thoughts, skills, knowledge, and experience with others so that they can also be benefited. In this way, you would be able to help others.

2. Business Opportunities.

You can have the opportunity to convert your hobby into a business, earn money from it and also improve your skills in the process.

If you love writing, then blogging can definitely be the right profession for you. You just have to put in the dedication and hard work and maintain a regular schedule for writing. 

In this process of writing regularly, you would be having new experiences every day and thus, you would also be able to improve your writing skills.

3. You are your Own Boss.

When you are working for someone else, then you have to work according to their set procedures and systems,  but when you are doing blogging as your own business, then you are free to do and write whatever you want.

So, there is no tension/stress of adhering to someone else’s fixed rules.

4. No Time Restrictions.

When you are your Own Boss, then you do not have any time restrictions.

You can write whenever you like, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, even late at night.

There are absolutely no time restrictions while blogging. It is only up to you to make a schedule for yourself and you need to have a disciplined approach to writing regularly.

If you are doing a job or running a business, then you have to adhere to fixed timing.  i.e. you need to go to the office at a particular time and you can leave the office only at a particular time.

But in case you are blogging, then you can choose whatever time is suitable for you, in order to write a blog.

So, blogging gives you freedom of time.

5. Enhance your Knowledge.

Blogging helps you to Enhance your Knowledge.

When you learn – how to start a blog, and establish a regular schedule for writing in your blog, then obviously you would have to do thorough research for those topics also.

In this way, your knowledge about the topic would also increase, and thus you will be able to help others in a much better way.

6. Increased Creativity.

You would be able to Increase your Creativity through regular blogging.

Since you have chosen blogging as your own business, So, every day you would be trying new things and new coming up with new ideas on how to make money from blogging

This will help to increase your creativity, and you will be more successful in the long run.

7. Make Money Online.

Through Blogging, You will be able to learn how to make money online.

You would be learning the various avenues by which you would be able to monetize your blog, for example – 

– Through Targeted Advertisements, 

– Through Sponsorships,

– Through Affiliate Marketing,

 and a host of other avenues…

And once you are successful in creating one blog and making money from it, then you would be able to implement the same knowledge and experience while starting blogs on other topics also.

So, blogging can help you to have an exponential increase in your earnings and you would be able to have an opportunity to make good money online.

In Fact, Blogging is among the Most Simple Digital Marketing Business Ideas, which one can easily start as a part-time venture, and based on your Hard work, Dedication, and Patience, it also has the potential to become a full-time career.

Read More:- Top Digital Marketing Business Ideas to Make Money Online

What are the Requirements to Start Your Blogging Business? (How to Start a Blog?)

1. Niche Selection.

Based on your Knowledge and Expertise, you can select a particular Niche and start writing about it.

The Important thing is that:-

– You need to have Knowledge and Personal Experience in that particular area. Only then, you would be able to explain things to your readers, in a seamless manner.

– You need to be passionate about your area. Only then you would have the motivation to consistently and persistently write about it, for the long term.

You can choose to blog about either of the following:-

Trending Topics (Like Current News, Sports, etc)

Or  Evergreen Topics (Finance, Health, etc)

2. Blogging Platform.

You definitely Need to Have a Platform for your Blog

Some examples of where you can start your blog 

– Blogger (This is a free platform) 

– Tumblr (This is also a free platform)

– WordPress 

– etc.

Which is the best platform for blogging?

It is your decision if you want to start a free blog on sites such as or you can pay some money for hosting, and you can start a WordPress blog.

What is Blogger/Blogspot?

This is a Google product, wherein you are allowed to create your blog for free. Google takes care of the hosting and you only need to concentrate on making content for your blog.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a Content Management system, which helps you to create your Blog very easily. Nowadays most blogs are made on self-hosted WordPress sites, as it is very easy to work with WordPress sites.

In WordPress, You can get a lot of themes, customizations, and plugins. So it becomes very convenient and you can easily make a beautiful layout for your blog and can start writing.

When you use a paid platform, then readers can have the impression that you are more professional and thus, you can have a loyal base of readers for your blog for a long time. 

(Moreover, your readers can easily see/find out, whether you are using a free platform for your blog or a paid one).

So it would help you a lot – if right at the beginning, you can invest some money and can start off with a self-hosted WordPress blog.

3. Domain Name Registration.

First of all, let us learn – What is a Domain Name?

For starting your blog we need to register for a domain name.

A domain name is – the address for your blog.

And in very simple terms, it is the name that you give to your website or your blog.

People will come to your blog when they type this particular name in their browsers.

Things to keep in mind when purchasing a domain name:-

Now there are certain points that you should keep in mind while choosing a domain name 

– The domain name should be related to the topics on which you are writing on your blog. This would help you later on, in Search engine optimization (SEO). 

– The Domain name should not be very lengthy.

– It should be a catchy name, and easy to remember. 

– You can buy a domain name from any of the domain name registrars. 

You can find a lot of domain name registrars when you search on Google. You should check for a good deal and then proceed to buy the same.

Sometimes, whenever you are purchasing hosting for your WordPress website from any of the hosting companies, then they also have an offer where they provide the domain name for free for the first year. So, you can consider this option also.

There are a number of registrars from where you can purchase your domain name

For example –

Do check out the above websites for the latest offers for Domain Names.

Important Tip:-

Whenever you buy the domain name, then for the extension, try to get a “.com” extension, as this is the most widely used all over the world. 

In case you are not able to get a “.com” extension with your desired name, then you can also consider other options like “.net”, or you can also consider country-specific options,  (like “.in” is for India) and similarly for other countries.

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4. Web Hosting.

To Answer the Question – What is Web Hosting? 

The simplest explanation is – For starting your own, self-hosted WordPress blog, you need to have someplace, where the content of your blog or website would be present/ hosted.

This content has to be present on some server so that when anyone around the world types in your domain name in their browser, then they would be redirected to this particular server, where the contents of your website or blog are present.

In this way, people can access the content of your blog.

It is necessary to purchase web hosting from a good hosting provider, so that your blog visitors can have a smooth experience while browsing through your blog.

Below are some of the good hosting providers which you can consider. Do keep in mind that these websites generally provide good offers, like:-

– Free Domain name for the 1st year, 

– Discount deals for long-term purchases, etc. 

So do check them out, for the latest offers for web hosting and see which offer is suitable for you. Then you can proceed ahead to purchase the hosting.

As mentioned earlier, sometimes some websites might be giving an offer, that if you buy some particular hosting package from them, then they would also provide you the domain name for your website for the initial year, for free.

Some things to keep in mind while purchasing a hosting package:-

– Since your Data is Most Important, So the hosting provider needs to be Reliable.

– The Server Speed should be Good.

– The Bandwidth should be Good.

– The Disk space/storage should be adequate as you have to host all of your data.

– The Uptime should be good.

– Overall, it should be Convenient for you to use and should be Within your desired Budget.

What is the Investment Required for Starting a Blogging Business?

Every business requires an investment of both Time and Money.

In blogging, you need to Devote your Time to research the topic and then write a Good, Detailed Article about it, so that it gives maximum value to your visitors.

Additionally, you need to Spend Some Money to start and maintain your blog on an ongoing basis. (in case you are making a WordPress blog)

So, apart from Your Time, the Monetary Investment is as follows.

– Domain name registration.

– Purchasing Hosting.

– Themes – In case you need to change the aesthetics of your blog, then you can purchase any good WordPress theme.

– Plugins – For improving the functionality of your blog, you can also purchase plugins.

In case, your budget is limited and you do not want to spend on hosting then you can always start your blog on any of the free hosting services,  for example, on, but you need to understand that keep in mind that in the future you may have to shift to WordPress because of the themes customizations plugins and overall convenience that you can have in a WordPress site.

Additionally, having your own website means that you are the Owner of your blog and you can do any kind of changes to the blog – Anytime you need/want.

What are the Skills Required to Make Your Blogging Business a Success and To Make Money Online?

In order to be successful in any business, venture one needs to have a certain set of skills as well as knowledge. Let’s see what skills and knowledge you need in order to start a successful blog.

1. Knowledge.

You need to have good knowledge of the subject about which you are writing your blog.  In case, you have prior experience in that field, then it is very good, else you can do your own research and then, when you are fully confident that you have good knowledge about the topic then you can write about the same in detail, in your blog and thus you will be able to provide valuable information to your readers.

2. Persistent and Consistent Efforts.

You need to be Persistent as well as Consistent in writing articles for your blog.

Making a blog takes time and it might happen that for the first 8 to 10 months you might not be able to get any proper response to your blog. But trust me, if you keep on writing good informational content on your blog on a regular basis, then slowly and steadily, your readership would improve, and over a period of time you would have a lot of ways to make money from your blog.

So, it needs constant effort from your side and you need to be persistent as well as consistent in your writing activities.

3. You need to be Good at Writing.

You need to express your thoughts in your words and you need to display your informative content in a proper format so that your readers can enjoy reading your blog.

So, you need to be good at writing. Then only you can become a successful blogger. 

You can also take some courses on writing. You can find some courses on the internet and initially start learning about the art of writing. After that, you can start making your blog, because the entire purpose of writing a blog is to present informational content to your readers so that they are able to get value from your written articles.

4. Learn Basic Skills, such as Photo Editing.

You should Learn some Basic Skills, such as Photo Editing. 

In case you want your blog to become more attractive to your visitors to your readers, then you can add some beautiful images to your blog. This will add to the aesthetic appeal of your blog.

And for adding pictures, you should learn how to edit the pictures yourself, so that you can express your thoughts and information through the pictures.

In case, you don’t know photo editing, then you can always search on Google for “how to learn photo editing” and you can learn some basic skills.

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5. Learn Additional Skills (Like SEO etc).

You should also be learning some other skills like:- 

SEO – Search engine optimization,


How to add themes, customizations, and plugins to your blog. 

You do not need to be an expert in all of these areas, you just need some basic knowledge so that you can set up your blog and keep it running. That is all.

For example, learning about SEO – Search Engine Optimization, is necessary, so that you can ensure that your article gets a higher ranking in Google searches and thus, a lot of visitors who are searching for information, are able to see your blog in the search results.

They can then click on your link, visit your blog, and can read your articles.

So a basic knowledge of SEO is necessary in case you want to drive a large amount of traffic to your blog.

With increased traffic, your blog will become more popular, and then only you would be having opportunities to make money from the blog.

Also once the visitor’s search in Google, and come to your blog, then they should find a pleasing layout for the blog.

They should be able to read your article without any difficulties and in case they require any further information in your blog, then they should be able to search for it very easily.

So your blog needs to provide a great experience to your readers and for that, you should learn about how to install good themes and plugins in your blog, so that they can come again and again to read your blog.

6. Be Active on Social Media.

You need to be Active on Social Media.

This is important because the more people know about your blog, the more popular it is going to get and you are going to get even more opportunities to monetize your blog and make money from it on a sustainable long-term basis.

So, try to remain in touch with as many people as possible, so that your blog remains popular and more people visit your blog on a regular basis.

7. Learn How to Promote Your Blog.

You also need to learn various ways to Promote your Blog

For this, you can try a number of different avenues like:-

– Google Ads 

– Contests 

– Promotional Giveaways 

– Surveys 

In the end, the more activities you do, for the promotion of your blog, the more opportunities you would be having in terms of making money online.

– You can sit with your friends/family members and brainstorm, to come up with new ideas on how to make money from blogging and be on the lookout to implement those ideas.

– As a good Blogger, you need to be in constant touch with the readers of your blog, regularly respond to their comments, and work on the suggestions/feedback provided to you, through their comments.

Once your readers are satisfied with your blog, then they can also recommend your blog to their friends. Thus, your blog will have word-of-mouth promotion.

Your aim should be – that everyone out there who is looking for the content, knows that your blog is also out there and becomes a regular long-time visitor to your blog.

And this can only happen with regular, two-way communication with your readers.

– Additionally, you need to be in touch with other bloggers also in your niche (whose content is similar to the content of your blog)

Do also read and follow other blogs in your niche. 

You need to be updated in your business and for this, it is very necessary that you follow other bloggers in your niche.

This will help you in gaining the latest knowledge about what is going on in your business/area of expertise and you can use this additional information while doing research for writing new articles for your blog.

8. Develop the Quality of Self Discipline.

As a blogger, you are your own boss. So, you need to define the time, which you need to give to your blog on a consistent basis.

You need to define the time:-

– When you would be researching the topic 

– When you would be actually writing the content 

– When you would be editing the content 

– When you will be posting the content,

– And then you need to be regularly interacting with the readers.

All this requires a lot of self-discipline.

In order to become a successful blogger, you need to make your own rules and you need to stick with those rules so that your blog can become professional as well as popular and you can have lots and lots of monetization opportunities for the long-term.

9. Keep Learning New Things Regularly.

In addition to learning the initial technicalities of how to start a blog, you also need to be willing to learn new things on a regular basis.

For writing good quality articles on your blog you need to do good research and for that, you need the willingness to learn about new things. 

Only then, you will be able to do good research and present good information in a detailed way for the benefit of your readers.

10. Hard work and patience are the Keys.

You need to be working day in and day out, on your blog.

Do remember, starting a blog and keeping it running for a long time requires a lot of effort. You need to invest a lot of time and energy in your blog, in order to make it successful in the long term.

In case you have a passion for writing, then this can surely be a viable & profitable business opportunity for you. But you need to keep in mind that this requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and patience.

You need to be consistent in your efforts in posting new articles on a regular basis as well as having constant communication with the readers of your blog.

Read More:- Profitable Business Ideas for Beginners

Read More (For Business Ideas in the USA):- Profitable Small Business Ideas in the United States of America

So, friends, I hope that you have enjoyed the above information, and are able to derive the maximum value and benefit from this article on How to Start a Blogging Website and Make Money Online.

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can you make money blogging?

Of Course, one can make a lot of money by blogging. It is one of the Best Ways to Make Money Online. The process is not easy though. It requires a lot of hard work, patience, and consistent effort. But in the long run, the rewards can be enormous.

How much do bloggers make?

You can do a search on for the earnings of the Top 10 bloggers. This will easily give you an idea of their earnings as well as motivation to start your own blog.

Should you do Blogging Full Time Or Part Time?

In case you are doing a job or your own business and are interested in starting a blog, then you can also start it slowly, as a part-time venture, and keep on putting in efforts on a regular basis for the growth of your blog.
Once you feel, that your blog has become popular and you have enough monetization opportunities/ avenues, (that is –  you are able to make a good amount of money from your blog), then you can even consider making it a full-time profession
But for starters, you can consider starting a blog on a part-time basis.

This Article has been Crafted with Love, by